
AGHE offers a dedicated specialist Electrical and Mechanical survey team who cover the UK and all E&P / E&M assets. Our professionally qualified staff have vast experience in the Rail Industry. We provide a complete service from basic surveys through to regulatory inspection and testing for the following:

  • LV installations including signalling power distribution, stations, depots, line side buildings, on track equipment such as points heating, junction lighting, OLE LV power for motorised switches.
  • HV installations for 25kV Feeder Stations, Track Sectioning Cabins, DC Substations, as well as HV substations for depots and major stations.

Electrical Survey and Design
High Voltage (HV) Design
Low Voltage (LV) Design
Signalling Distribution Design
External Lighting Design
Internal Lighting Design
Lighting Control Design
Lighting For CCTV Design
Fire Alarm Design
Intruder Alarm Design
Lightning Protection Design
Integrated Earthing Strategies
Containment Routes Design
Points Heating Design
Railway Station Electrical Distribution Systems

Mechanical Systems Survey and Design
Sanitary Services Design
Water Supplies Design
Above Ground Drainage Design
Space Heating Design

CAD Services
2D Design
3D Design
4D Design